Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Glory of God in the Love of a Wife

As Alicia fell asleep with her head on my shoulder last night, I couldn't help but turn and thank God for the precious gift of my beautiful wife and her love for me.  It is a fascinating thing to see and consider.  The God who created all of the universe in its magnitude and splendor, also made my wife to be His instrument of love towards me.  The love of my wife is suppose to reflect and reveal the love that God has for me.  While lying there listening to her soft contented breathing, it hit me and humbled me that God would desire that deep of connectedness and intimacy with me.  That we would have the invitation, "Come to me all you who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest." is an wonderful thing to consider.

Truth Revealed:
One of the ways I know of God's love for me.. is the way He shows His love through my wife.
Out of all of His creation He makes a big deal out of being deeply connected to us.
A man who loves His wife truly is loving himself as it comes back to him 10 fold.
Jesus at the last supper rested his head on the chest of the disciple whom he loved.
The greatest way to love my wife is to love Christ more, that I might reflect more and more of Christ's love back to her.

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