Friday, July 29, 2011

Glory B, I finished painting!

I finally finished rolling paint on the walls with my Wagner Paintmate Plus. It made quick work of the painting process, I just didn't get started painting until almost 11pm. Yes, those were the same walls that we had floated, sanded, textured, and primed. It is exciting the transformation of that room. As I worked late into the night to finally end this never ending project, God has stirred my heart again to take note of the lessons that he has been teaching me.

I saw many imperfections while attempting to paint the walls. As God reveals the imperfections of my pridefulness that show up all over my life, it is funny (not really laughing) that I try to just paint over them. Just paint over them and noone will see a thing I tell myself. If they do see anything, I will just say its always been that way and there's no changing it now. It's painted! I may not say those exact words, but I treat pridefulness very similarly.

May the Lord continue to give me a burden for my sin that nailed Him to the cross and a humility that comes from seeing the Lord not leave me alone, but rather pursue me with His gracious love.

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