Thursday, October 22, 2015
Bread of Life Adventures - 10-19-15
The Lord's prayer is one of the most familiar passages in the bible to most everyone. I have recently come to understand that when Jesus prays for His daily bread, he wasn't suddenly concerned about what He was going to eat. He tells us his food is to do the will of His Father. Jesus is teaching us to ask for God to give us His will for today that His will would be done on earth as it is in heaven in our lives this day.
Well every day becomes a wild adventure when you walk in seeking to do God's will. While we were praying following a great day of passing out bread and praying with the people in our community something amazing happened. We were praying that God's church would become a beacon of light that people stumbling in darkness would be drawn to. We prayed that the cross on the front of the church would shine brighter than ever before, that the lights would be twice as bright when people look at it. We prayed, "Lord, draw your prodigals home."
It was only a few moments later we heard a banging on the front doors of the church. I went to see who was causing the commotion and found a pretty rough looking couple at the door. I let them in and they said, "We met you a few weeks ago at the gas station and you prayed for us. We were driving down the road and saw the cross on the church and knew immediately that was the church where the people prayed for us. I stopped in the middle of the road, put the car in reverse and backed down the street. We need help and felt the Lord leading us to you."
The man gave his life to Christ, forgiving those who had hurt him and asking forgiveness with tears for all he had done. We were able to give some help and they went on their way. They were visibly changed in our presence as we prayed over them.
Wow, God is growing all our faith and we continue to ask, "Lord, teach us to pray!"
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